Our office is owned and managed by Lee Schwartz; an attorney in Philadelphia who has practiced Family Law since 1981.

Lee Schwartz's headshot

About Lee A. Schwartz

  • I have litigated divorces through the courts, since that time and have seen the pain and destruction that process can, at times, cause. I have chosen to move in a different direction…the direction of peace, respect, honor and healthy process. We hope you will join us.
  • I have all the trappings of success in the Family Law Practice….former Chair of the Family Law Section of the Philadelphia Bar Association and former President of the Nicholas A. Cipriani Family Law American Inn of Court. I, for many years, have taught, and continue to teach other Family lawyers so they can obtain their Continuing Education Credits to maintain their law license. I have also been designated as a Super Lawyer.
  • So why would  I take a different path? Because it’s the right path, the peaceful path and the respectful path. It is a path, which when people reach the end of their path, they can maintain a healthy and respectful relationship with both their ex-spouse or partner and their children, if they have children
  • This, however, is not a new path for me. I have been Mediating divorces for over 25 years and have been a highly trained Collaborative Lawyer for over 10 years. Why, then, create Peaceful Separation and Divorce, LLC? Because it is time to separate this peaceful practice from the litigation practice.
Clymer Bardsley's, a mediator at Peaceful Mediation, headshot

About Clymer Bardsley

  • I have been a mediator since 2002, when I first started doing cases in law school.  Working with people in conflict from a neutral and impartial perspective was the natural place for me to be.  Instead of passionately arguing or advocating for my client, skills I have developed in more recent years as a litigator, I have always felt right at home helping parties have difficult discussions in an effort to reach a resolution that the parties, themselves, could live with.  The court can be an unfair place, whereas in mediation, when both parties are empowered to advocate for themselves, justice can be achieved.  Parties feel heard.  Agreements are customized to parties’ particular situations.  The present and future are more emphasized than the past.
  • Since 2002, I have mediated hundreds of cases across the legal spectrum, from small claims cases to criminal matters, to employment and workplace matters involving discrimination.  Ultimately, I have found that mediating family disputes is where I belong.  Divorcing spouses who are trying to resolve financial issues, parenting issues, and moving into the next chapter of their lives are in a delicate place and need someone who will listen to them, guide them through the difficult issues, and help them come up with options that will work for them and their families.
  • I have mediated in the Philadelphia area since 2010, handling custody matters for the court, private divorces and custody matters, and other family matters as they arise.  I still take cases in the commercial and workplace arenas, but my devotion is to helping families move through the divorce process.
Divorce mediation Philadelphia
Mediation and Collaborative Law
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