• January


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    Not all disputes and disagreements occur before a Divorce, Custody or Support Order, or other Family Court orders are entered or agreed to. Many people, who have gone to court in the past to resolve their disagreement, believe that they will never step back into a courtroom again. Simply put, that is unlikely. For a

    • December


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    Litigation….Mediation…Collaborative Law. Three distinctively different styles of resolving a Family Law matter. In litigation, or going to court as it is more commonly known, each party hires a lawyer and battles it out. This can take years to resolve. The parties will each incur substantial legal fees and are likely to end the process with

    • June


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    You and your spouse definitely know you don’t want to go to court and litigate your divorce, custody, support or other Family court matters. You are seeking a peaceful and respectful process to end your marriage or discuss your custody schedule; you have researched mediation and collaborative law, and are just confused as to what

    • March


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    5 Reasons to Pick Divorce Mediation Over Going to Court

    You are contemplating splitting up and you and your spouse don’t want a fight. You trust your spouse to be honest. You believe your spouse/partner is concerned with not only how he or she comes out of this marriage or relationship, but is also concerned about you and your future. You and your spouse/partner are

    • February


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    Child Custody Mediation for Unmarried Parents: How It Works

    Navigating a child custody dispute as unmarried parents can be a difficult process. Many people make the mistake of failing to consider mediation and instead opt for formal litigation. Mediation allows both parents to reach a mutually agreeable child custody arrangement without incurring the financial cost and emotional stress of going to court. If you

    • November


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    The Role of The Divorce Coach in Collaborative Law Cases

    A common question or statement by a potential participant in Collaborative cases is “I’m already in therapy, why do I need another Mental Health person in my life?”  This is a good question with an easy answer.  Most people whose marriages are ending, or have custody/support or other family law issues which need resolution, have

    • October


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    9 Child Custody Mediation Tips to Help You Succeed

    Arguably, child custody is the most emotionally difficult issue to resolve during a divorce or family law dispute. Unlike the formal litigation process, which is inherently adversarial, mediation offers parents a cooperative, non-confrontational approach to develop mutually agreeable solutions jointly. While mediation is less expensive and time-consuming than litigation, negotiating a favorable agreement still requires

    • October


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    How Assets Are Divided in Pennsylvania Divorce: What to Know

    The divorce process is inherently stressful and emotionally painful. This process is often made even worse when people begin contesting property division. If you desire an uncontested divorce, you should consider mediation for property division in a divorce. In this article, the experienced Philadelphia divorce mediators at Peaceful Separation and Divorce outline the property division

    • October


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    Factors to Consider in Choosing a Collaborative Divorce

      Five Important Considerations In Choosing Collaborative Law For many people, not litigating, or going to court, is more beneficial than going to court. Collaborative Law is an ideal method of resolving property division, child and spousal support issues and child custody mediation matters in a structured, cooperative environment. There are traditionally three methods of

    • August


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    How to Negotiate a Divorce Settlement with Your Spouse

    How to Negotiate a Divorce Settlement with Your Spouse The divorce process by its very nature is stressful and emotionally painful. This stress can become particularly intense during a divorce negotiation. However, mediation can turn contentious divorce proceedings into a collaborative process which allows both spouses to peacefully negotiate a fair divorce settlement. These negotiations

    • August


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    How Much is a Divorce in PA: The Fees & Costs of Divorce

    Divorce can be an emotionally and financially exhausting process. Mediation is a non-confrontational process which allows both spouses to reach mutually agreeable solutions for the issues they face when ending a marriage. Additionally, mediation is a cost-effective alternative to the formal Pennsylvania divorce process. In the article, the Philadelphia divorce mediators at Peaceful Separation and

    • July


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    Why Divorce Mediation Is a Good Idea: Keep The Peace

      Is Mediation a Good Idea in Divorce: The Pros & Cons If you are considering a divorce, it is important to know there are alternative options to the traditional litigation process. Private mediation is an alternative collaborative divorce process which can benefit divorcing parties while also helping them to reach a fair outcome. Unless

    • July


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    Is Divorce Mediation Legally Binding in Pennsylvania?

      Is Divorce Mediation Legally Binding Upon Completion? Divorce mediation is a cost-effective alternative dispute process in which the parties agree to negotiate the terms of a divorce in a non-confrontational matter. Instead of the formal divorce proceedings, which require litigation and multiple court appearances, the mediation process involves one or several mediation sessions wherein

    • May


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    The Types of Divorce Mediation Available in Pennsylvania

    Divorce mediation is a cost-effective method for couples to resolve their disputes as opposed to litigated divorce. As divorce mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution, there is no one size fits all approach. Accordingly, several types of divorce mediation can help couples reach a mutually agreeable divorce settlement in Pennsylvania. The Philadelphia divorce

    • April


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    5 Items to Ask For in Divorce Mediation: How To Prepare

    Divorce mediation is an alternative dispute resolution tool for individuals seeking a divorce in Pennsylvania. Unlike divorce litigation, divorce mediation is designed to be non-adversarial and controlled by both spouses. Specifically, divorce mediation allows both spouses to be guided toward a mutually agreeable divorce agreement via a neutral divorce mediator during a mediation session. The

    • March


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    Child Custody Mediation Checklist: 10 Points to Prepare

      10 Items to Include in a Child Custody Mediation Checklist Mediation is an alternative dispute process which allows two people to reach mutually agreed-upon solutions in a non-adversarial manner. It is less expensive than formal litigation and will give parents more control over the child custody mediation process and the outcome. Use this child

    • March


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    Preparing for Custody Mediation with a Narcissist Parent

    Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution process designed to allow people to reach mutually agreeable solutions. Further, it intended to allow people to resolve issues without judicial intervention in an efficient, non-adversarial manner. However, when the other parent exhibits narcissistic tendencies, the divorce process can become more challenging. Succeeding at custody mediation with a narcissist

    • February


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    Equitable Distribution in Pennsylvania Divorce: What to Know

      What is Equitable Distribution? Equitable distribution is the legal doctrine Pennsylvania Courts use during the division of marital property, i.e., property acquired during the marriage, and marital debts during a divorce. Specifically, the equitable distribution process means marital property is “fairly” divided during a divorce. The value of non-marital property on the date of

    • February


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    What Happens After Divorce Mediation: Your Next Steps

    Ideally, the divorce mediation process produces a settlement agreement. This agreement allows you and your spouse to proceed with your divorce amicably. This is because mediation creates a marital settlement agreement which memorializes all of the issues which must be resolved during a divorce, such as property division and child custody and support. The divorce

    • October


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    9 Signs You Are Ready for Divorce: Taking The Next Step

    It is normal to view conflicts and arguments as natural issues in a healthy marriage. However, it is difficult to recognize when disputes turn a loving but unhappy marriage into a toxic and destructive relationship. Stated simply, the most challenging part of the divorce process is recognizing the signals of when a marriage should end.

    • September


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    Options & Alternatives for Divorce Couples Should Consider

      Your Options for Divorce Ending a marriage is never a pleasant experience. While people often associate the divorce process as expensive and emotionally draining, there are many alternatives to traditional litigation. Depending on the facts of your case and your relationship with your spouse, you may want to consider alternative methods for obtaining a

    • September


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    How to Have an Amicable Divorce: Tips for Keeping The Peace

      How to Divorce Amicably Divorce can be difficult, but it does not have to be destructive. While many divorces devolve into heavily contested matters, an amicable divorce is one in which the spouses resolve their differences together. Stated simply, a peaceful divorce requires two spouses who are willing to resolve their differences without judicial

    • September


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    11 Benefits of Divorce Mediation: Avoid The Courtroom

    Reasons to Choose Mediation for Your Divorce Litigated divorce cases can be financially and mentally taxing. The litigious method of divorce can be a long, drawn out process and can devolve into contentious behaviors from both willing parties. Divorce mediation benefits couples by easing the stress of separating and has many other advantages compared to

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    The Differences Between Collaborative Divorce & Mediation

    While collaborative divorce and mediation have many similarities, they are fundamentally different processes. The main benefit of both processes is they are less expensive and less acrimonious than traditional divorces. Depending on the facts and circumstances of your divorce, you may want to utilize one of these processes. Collaborative Divorce vs Mediation A collaborative divorce

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    What to Expect from Your Divorce Mediation Sessions

    You might have heard divorce mediation takes much less time and money than litigation, and that is true. Divorce mediation also allows you and your spouse to determine how your family lives going forward, without a judge telling you what to do. But, understanding the full breadth of what to expect from divorce mediation is

    • August


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    20 Divorce Mediation Do’s & Don’ts for Successful Sessions

      20 Divorce Mediation Dos & Don’ts You have probably heard divorce mediation is less expensive and quicker than a litigated divorce, and this is true. Did you know divorce mediation also empowers you both to make decisions for your family going forward, rather than leaving those decisions up to a judge? That said, there

    • August


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    The Pros & Cons of Doing Divorce Mediation Online

    Thinking of divorce mediation? You have probably heard divorce mediation is a more collaborative, less expensive, and quicker way to divorce, and that is true! Online divorce mediation makes it even more so, with a few caveats you must be aware of for divorce mediation online to be effective for you. In this comprehensive article,

    • May


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    How Long Does Divorce Mediation Take?: Complete Timeline

    The Philadelphia divorce mediators at Peaceful Separation and Divorce address the question; how long does divorce mediation take? This article describes how long divorce mediation takes both in terms of number of sessions and session length as well as factors affecting the length. If you and your spouse are considering divorce mediation, call an experienced

    • May


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    How to Prepare for Divorce Mediation: A 10-Step Guide

      Your Guide to Preparing for Divorce Mediation In this helpful guide, the Philadelphia divorce mediators at Peaceful Separation and Divorce explain the ten steps you and your spouse take to prepare for a divorce mediation process. 1. Mutually Agree to Mediation If you and your spouse wish to work together to resolve the issues

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    What is Divorce Mediation?: Avoid Courtrooms & Legal Fees

      Divorce Mediation Defined & Explained You’ve probably heard divorce mediation is quicker and less expensive than litigating against your spouse in court. This is true, but what exactly is divorce mediation and is it right for you? In this comprehensive article, the divorce mediators at Peaceful Separation explain what divorce mediation is, the benefits

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    Mediated Settlement Agreement Explained: Your Complete Guide

    Considering divorce mediation? You and your spouse have probably heard that coming to an agreement in divorce mediation is quicker and less expensive than litigation, but the benefits of mediation don’t end there.  The divorce mediators at Peaceful Separation explain what a divorce mediation agreement is and the process of divorce mediation in this comprehensive

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    Guide to Divorce Mediation Process: What You Need to Know

      The Divorce Mediation Process Explained You and your spouse have heard about the benefits of divorce mediation vs. going to court and letting a judge decide what is best for your family, but how does divorce mediation work? This comprehensive article from the divorce mediators at Peaceful Mediation explains the divorce process using mediation

    • May


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    15 Divorce Mediation Tips and Tricks: Remain Peaceful

    While entering divorce mediation with your ex-spouse is generally less stressful than litigation, it’s not without its own hurdles. At the foremost, you both must understand that mediation is a collaborative process. To make your session proceed more smoothly, knowing some divorce mediation tips and tricks may help demystify and simplify the process. The divorce

    • May


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    Divorce Mediation Checklist: 25 Items to Remember & Discuss

    Divorce Mediation Checklist: 25 Items to Prepare & Discuss During Mediation Divorce is difficult, but you have the power and the means to make it easier on everyone and get the best result for your family. Take control of your divorce by agreeing with your spouse to enter into divorce mediation. Additionally, having a divorce

    • April


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    Divorce Mediation vs Litigation: Differences & Advantages

    If you are getting divorced or have a custody issue, you are already stressed out. Now you have to figure out how your divorce is going to proceed and you may want to better understand the differences between divorce mediation vs litigation. For couples able to put their differences aside, the divorce mediation process provides

    • April


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    How Much Divorce Mediation Costs: What You Can Expect

    You’ve heard divorce mediation costs less than traditional divorce litigation. This is true for the most part. But exactly how much does divorce mediation or a divorce mediator cost? The Philadelphia divorce mediators at Peaceful Separation and Divorce explain the cost of mediation, factors which may affect the price, possible external costs you may incur

    • February


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    Inaugural Peaceful Separation And Divorce Newsletter

    Friends, welcome to the first of what we hope are many monthly newsletters for Peaceful Separation and Divorce, or “Peaceful”. We created Peaceful as a separate entity from the Schwartz, Fox and Saltzman, LLC law firm (“SFS”). While SFS is a full-service family law firm, Peaceful is the home for non-litigation resolution of conflict between

    • January


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    Pets & Distribution of Property In Divorce: Pet-Nuptials

    More and more common is the use of Pre-Nuptial Agreements. These are agreements, negotiated and signed before marriage, when parties have assets or debts they wish to address before their wedding. Often, a party (and often both parties) is coming into a marriage owning a business, a house, or having money in a retirement or

    • January


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    Now That You’ve Decided on Divorce Mediation, What’s Next?

    You are at a crossroads….you or your patient/client have decided that it makes sense to mediate your Family Law matter rather than litigate it. However, the question then becomes: How do I select the mediator. After all, selecting your Mediator is a big decision. This is the person who will guide you and your spouse

    • January


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    Mediation in The Days of COVID-19: Legal Updates

    Many of you were in the midst of Court proceedings, whether in a Custody matter, a Divorce (division of property) or a Support/Alimony/APL matter. Then… BANG: Courts were closed and there is now no access to Justice. Not only are Court’s closed, but there is no real end in sight. Simply put, we just don’t

    • January


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    Mediation before the rings are exchanged

    As the excitement of the wedding day approaches and the happy couple is attending to all of the details of the approaching happy day, nothing can put the brakes on that growing momentum like one party announcing: “Sweetheart, I think we need to talk about a Pre-Nup.”  Certainly, the need for the Pre-Nuptial Agreement is

    • January


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    Mediation 2022: Benefits of Peaceful Separation

    Now that Courts have reopened in Family Courts across Pennsylvania, each County is scheduling their cases as each County sees fit. Some counties Court appearances are substantially in person; some counties are substantially virtual. However, it is safe to say that all counties scheduling has been adversely affected by Covid. There is another way. We

    • January


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    Get Over The Pyschological Hurdle: Pre-Martial Agreements

    In today’s society, with divorce being so prevalent, the need to consider the Pre-Marital or Pre-Nuptial Agreement is more and more relevant. The “psychological hurdle” I mention is the responsive comment, by an intended spouse, to the suggestion that the other party to the future marriage wishes to have a Pre-Marital Agreement drafted. What is

    • January


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    Pennsylvania Legislature recognizes Collaborative Law

    In keeping with other States, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by the stroke of Governor Tom Wolf’s pen, signed into law the Pennsylvania Collaborative Law Act, on June 28, 2018. This action by the Governor served to recognize the validity of this alternative divorce process. Collaborative Law is an alternative to both a Mediation process and

    • January


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    The Beauty of Collaborative Law: Why Choose Mediation?

    There’s a New Sheriff in town, and that Sheriff is a hybrid. Traditionally, people contemplating Divorce had one choice: each side hires a Family Lawyer and they begin the arduous, expensive, exhausting and sometimes pointless process of litigating Custody, Support, Alimony, Division of Property, etc. in a courtroom setting. This can serve to increase hostility

    • January


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    Family Lawyers as ADR Facilitators: Keeping The Peace

    Tools to Help Achieve and Maintain Neutrality By Lee A. Schwartz and Carolyn M. Zack As family lawyers, we practice the art of civil litigation as we would engage in battle. We burnish the armor of our client’s cause, shore up weak links with creative theories, root out weak-nesses in the opposition’s lines of defense

    • August


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    Lawyers in Philadelphia: Surge in Pandemic Divorce Filings

    (From KYW Newsradio) — Philadelphia attorneys say calls from couples splitting up during the pandemic have surged, with a number of factors are contributing to the spike. “People who were contemplating divorce before COVID hit, and probably shouldn’t have lived together, but stayed together and that just compounded the unhappiness in that household,” said attorney

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